
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Project Me

Well, it's WIP Wednesday. Normally, I would give you a glimpse of what I am working on. I have some Amigurumi animals in progress. My major WIP for right now is myself and getting me fit! This image was pinned on pinterest:

Source: Pinterest
A week passed since I first saw the pin and I decided to try it. I began yesterday.

Day 1 and 2: I repeated the process 3 times: 20 Jumping Jacks, 20 Lunges, 20 Pushups. It only took 20 minutes to do the whole thing and I was done. I definitely felt my muscles working while I was doing this and it felt great! Before bed, I noticed my abs and legs were a little sore. Awesome!

Never in my life have I ever been able to do a pushup. Seriously, I need some sort of training program to train me how to do a pushup! That being said, I am still attempting something to strengthen my core and arms. I replaced the pushups with planks. I hold them for about 5 seconds and do 4 planks per set.  If I am feeling gutsy, then I attempt something like a pushup. I think I may have done 2 real pushups yesterday, but no one witnessed it, so it's still a mystery to me.

I should have weighed in before I started yesterday, because my scale says I'm down 4 lbs today from when I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago. So, I will take today's weight as my starting weight. Let's give this a few weeks and I'll give you an honest update every week of how this is working for me. I know that these are "stretches", but it sure seems like a cardio workout to this spring chicken. lol

So, while I am crocheting away, my biggest WIP (Work in Progress) right now is me. :)

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