
Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Watch This Show While Crocheting

Raise your hand if you crochet while watching tv. Did you know that not every show is a good candidate for watching while crocheting?

Alias, created by JJ Abrams, centers on Sydney Bristow, a CIA agent who travels the world carrying out secret missions.

My Husband is Annoyed by my Inability to Focus While Watching Alias

I was discussing a certain scene that I actually watched and conjecturing on what that scene might have meant. Who sent this message to Vaughn? My husband kinda rolled his eyes at me and said, "Well, if you were actually watching the show, then you would have seen the look Jack gave to Sydney and you would know that he took care of it." 

Why is this not a good show to watch while crocheting?

You'll spend a lot of time reading subtitles because Sydney travels the globe speaking native languages wherever she goes. And, you'll miss the subtle nods from Vaughn to Syndey and vice versa if you aren't watching the show. Or, you'll miss that look the Jack gave Sydney. Occassionally, you will become so absorbed in the show and your hands just keep working and you've worked like 10 rounds more than necessary for the pattern...ummm, yeah. No one gets pleasure from frogging mistakes. So I came up with a few little tips for watching tv while crocheting.

5 Tips for Crochet-safe TV Viewing

  1. Watch a classic movie or chick flick
  2. Avoid espionage-type shows
  3. Pick a light-hearted series where each episode is a story within itself
  4. Watch sports (as long as you don't mind missing important plays)
  5. Watch DIY-type shows for crafting, home decorating, etc.

What do you like to watch while you knit/crochet?

My favorite things to watch are football games, old tv shows from the 80s/90s, craft shows, home decorating shows and those super gushy shows where brides-to-be pick out wedding dresses. I also like to watch chick flicks when I have the tv to myself. 

Leave a comment and tell me what you like to watch while you are working! 


  1. It's surprising how little you normally have to actually *watch* while watching TV - although I agree on the subtitles thing - we miss things.

    I find many shows suitable for crochet though! Home improvement shows are the best - you literally have to look up at the beginning and the end...!

    My next favorite is cooking shows like Master chef - there is a lot of fluff! (the exception is Iron chef - too captivating!!) or any type of reality TV really - I watched bachelorette with my mom and didn't know that guys names in the final 3 (hehehe).

    Who needs TV anyways? (plus - when your hubby picks a bad movie, no big deal!)

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