Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Creating Beauty with Ugly Yarn

I have been working really hard this year to eliminate some of the unwanted yarn from my stash. Originally, I picked some yarns out of my stash that I wasn't exactly fond of:

My original idea of a destash challenge box

A few beautiful projects came out of the challenge box. But when I pulled all my yarn from every nook and cranny, I realized this box was not an accurate depiction of my actual challenge yarns.

What Does an Ugly Yarn Look Like?

Well, it's easier to show it than explain it. I tend to take pretty photos of pretty yarn. And, sloppy, discombobulated photos like this when working with a slightly hideous yarn.

Need Help with your ugly yarn? Every skein has a purpose.

You can just look at that photo and tell that I'm not having fun on the project, right?

But, every skein of yarn can be redeemed! I truly believe that even ugly yarn can be turned into beautiful art. That photo above is the WIP photo of this cowl below. I honestly love this cowl and wore it for days after I finished it.

Creating Beauty with Ugly Yarn
Chunky Braided Cowl

And then there was this yarn...

Yarn Bee Whimsy Bulky in Creamsickle made into a huge monster!
Image source: TooManyBooks (Ravelry)
Generally speaking, I like earth-tones and muted colors. Why did I buy two skeins of Yarn Bee Whimsy Bulky in the colorway Creamsickle?  I'm really not sure. I bet that I bought it during a retail therapy session where my therapist (that'd be me) thought some rainbowy fiber might cheer me up. I should have gone for a Creamsickle ice cream instead.

But, if I had gotten ice cream, then I wouldn't have this Alien/Monster! 

Creating Beauty with Ugly Yarn by Niccupp Crochet
Ruffle Alien

Those two skeins sat in my stash for over a year before I finally tackled them. I definitely think I won the battle with that yarn and turned it into exactly what it needed to be. My younger son (he's 3) and I both love this guy so much! 

please do not pin photos of my son!

I thought I was going to sell him. Maybe I will at some point, but for now, he keeps watch over the new plushies who are waiting for their forever homes.

A few finished ami's - all FreshStitches designs

Beauty Belongs to the Creator

I hope this inspires you to look at your yarn a little differently. What can you create with that ugly yarn you have been avoiding?


  1. Very well said! I have some "ugly yarn" in my stash that I just don't know what to do with yet. Some of the skeins I bought during a similar retail therapy session...and some came in grab bags (I think the companies just tossed them in to get rid of them)!

    Maybe some of mine are destined to be an alien or pretty cowl!! :)

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